It’s that time of year again when we start to wrap up our gardens here in Minnesota and finish up canning and freezing our extra produce. This corn recipe is so good, that although I didn’t get free sweet corn this year, I wanted to have this frozen corn recipe on hand so much that I decided to go ahead and buy some good sweet corn at a stand just so I could make this corn recipe for frozen sweet corn, a sweet creamy, frozen sweet corn recipe. I think I paid about $18 for 36 ears of corn at a stand in Saint Peter, Minnesota this last weekend. It tastes so much better than anything you can get in a grocery store, that it was well worth it. We only needed 30 ears for the recipe, so we ate some for supper and got cleaning and cutting the rest off the ears. It took all of about 20 minutes with two of us working together on it, I call it marital bonding time. Anyways, it is baking in the oven while we cook our supper and so I thought I would update this recipe into my new format that can be printed off, so that you too can learn how to freeze fresh sweet corn and you can print off this recipe too! You will love this recipe for freezing some creamy buttery sweet corn, I guarantee it.

- 30 ears sweet corn, husked & washed
- 2 cups half & half
- 2 Tbsp. salt
- 3 Tbsp. sugar
- 1 lb. butter (however you can cut back on butter, if desired)
- 5 quart-sized freezer bags or containers
- Cut corn off cobs using a knife. I find it is easiest to cut it right into the roasting pan.
- Preheat oven to 325º F. Stir in half & half, salt and sugar. Cut butter into chunks and add to roasting pan. Bake for 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally.
- Meanwhile, label and date freezer bags or containers. Cool corn slightly before filling freezer bags or containers; freeze for up to 6 months.