
Mother’s Day Nutrition – For Moms at Every Stage!

The Hopeful Mom: Nutrition is very important for women who are trying to get pregnant. Check out this link for some great advice on how to make your body baby-ready (there’s some info for Dads, too!). Hopeful mom nutrition here. The Mom-to-Be:…

An Egg-straordinary Healthy Snack – But Eat The Yolk Too!

Some food misconceptions just seem to hang on forever. I still hear people say they can’t have eggs because their doctor said they have high cholesterol, but not only do eggs have less cholesterol than once thought, it’s been known for…

The ABC’s of Vitamins: Niacin for Energy and a Healthy Tongue

Niacin, or vitamin B3, is a water-soluble vitamin that helps cells use oxygen and helps release energy from the food you eat, similar to the role of other B vitamins. Niacin helps maintain healthy skin and keeps your tongue healthy. It also…

The ABC’s of Vitamins: Thiamin for Nerves and Digestion

Thiamin, or vitamin B1, is a water-soluble vitamin important for healthy nerves, appetite and proper digestion. Thiamin helps you utilize energy from the foods you eat. Thiamin is found in the bran and germ of whole grains. Polishing,…

The ABC’s of Vitamins: Vitamin A and Beta Carotene

Vitamin A is important for good eyesight, healthy skin and and a strong immune system. Vitamin A also plays a role in growth and healthy reproduction. Because vitamin A comes in two forms, the term is sometimes used interchangeably with…